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Policies & Safeguarding

Please see our policies below on Safeguarding.  If you have any questions or queries, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr David Edmed (Deputy Headteacher), who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team.  The Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Ms Niamh Dolan (Headteacher) and Mr Hamish Savania.  These officers have undertaken the relevant training.

Safeguarding Statement

At BGN School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students and to upholding fundamental British Values. We expect all our employees and associates to share this commitment.

In the interest of safeguarding children, there may be occasions when the school has to consult other agencies without a parent’s prior knowledge.  The school’s first concern is the child’s welfare and the school has a duty to act to protect the child at all times.  We follow the procedures laid down by the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board.  A copy of the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board inter-agency procedures is available in school.


In line with the DFES regulations and guidelines [‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)’ and ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’], we undertake a rigorous assessment of all staff, whether they are permanent, temporary, casual, voluntary, centrally employed [OCC], school-based supply or agency-based supply, and maintain a single central record documenting the checks carried out. These checks include identity, asylum and immigration, professional references, qualifications, Teacher status and barred list checks, Disclosure and Barring Service [DBS] Enhanced Checks, overseas police checks and a confidential health questionnaire.

If you wish to request a paper copy of any information held on the school website such as policies, then please contact the school office on 01295 264216

These printouts will be provided free of charge.