What to do if.....
I am late - Sign in with the School Attendance Officer, Mrs Sarah Thornton.
I am being bullied or know someone who is - Tell somebody, your Form Tutor, your Pastoral Manager, a teacher or a friend.
I have a dental/medical appointment - It is expected that you make medical appointment outside school hours wherever possible. If you must leave school during the day for any reason then please bring a note from your parents in advance of the date. You must sign out with the School Attendance Officer. If you return to school later on the same day then you must sign in again. It is also expected that you will come to school before and after your appointment whenever possible.
I have lost something - Lost property is kept in the School Office. If it is still lost, tell your Form Tutor or Pastoral Manager. All property should be marked with your name.
I want to go on holiday in term time - Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays during term time. Where there is unavoidable, requests for leave of absence should be made well in advance of the date. Permission will only be granted in very exceptional circumstances.
On September 1 2013 a new law took effect which does not allow parents to take their children out of school for holidays in term time.
Exert taken from the Department of Education website:
We have amended the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 to remove references to family holiday and to make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. This amendment will come into effect on 1 September 2013.
Where a pupil’s absence is unauthorised, such as where a child is taken on holiday during term time without the school’s permission, currently the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007 set out that each parent can be fined £60 if it is paid within 28 days, rising to £120 if paid between 29 to 42 days.
Amendments to the 2007 regulations reduce the timescales for paying a penalty notice. From 1 September 2013, parents must pay £60 within 21 days or £120 within 28 days. Full payment discharges the parent from any prosecution.
I don't understand homework - See your subject teacher, Pastoral Manager, Form Tutor or a friend.
I have forgotten my homework or PE kit - Confess! And explain to your subject teacher before the lesson.
I get something confiscated - Arrange with the teacher who has taken it when it can be collected. Mobile phones can be collected by a Parent/Guardian, from the School Office, at the end of the school day.
I don't feel well - Go to the School Office who will administer first aid, if necessary, or contact home on your behalf if necessary. Please do not phone home before you have been to the School Office.
I am unsure about anything - Ask! Prefects have different ties and wear badges on their lapels. They will always help, as will Sixth Form students. Prefects and Sixth Form students are to be treated with the same respect given to teachers.